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True North Leader with Bobby Albert

Apr 27, 2022

When was the last time you got honest employee feedback on your leadership or company culture? Leaders will hear what they want to hear when there isn't anonymity. In today's episode of True North Leader, guest Al Lopus says that Christian organizations should have the best cultures. We couldn't agree more! Al is the...

Apr 20, 2022

"If you were on trial for being a Christian, would there be enough evidence for the jury to find you guilty?" Today, True North Leader guest, Shane Pulver, calls leaders to be like Christ in EVERY part of life. Showing Christ in challenging leadership moments like correction, firing, or during crisis- is more important...

Apr 13, 2022

Lack of alignment in values destroys the ability to build a business. Today, on True North Leader, guest Garry Krum shares Satan's number one tool to keep leaders out of alignment with God! Garry is the Founder and President of Agora Strategic Consulting Group and has 41 years of experience in mergers, acquisitions,...

Apr 6, 2022

What happens when your dream doesn't work out? God uses ALL of our experiences. Today, on True North Leader, guest Charles L.  White (aka "Chuck") was ALMOST in the NFL. He didn't expect to become a teacher, coach, or that later his professional career would launch into a completely different direction that had...