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True North Leader with Bobby Albert

Oct 26, 2022

Dirk Smith asked himself, when God takes me, will I be okay saying, "I made a lot of people a lot of money." Dirk started as a business consultant, and while his skill set energized him, he wanted to leave a more significant impact on the world. So, he decided to use those skills to build the Kingdom of God by joining...

Oct 19, 2022

Brett Snodgrass tells us that this generation of businessmen need not only God, but each other. Brett is the owner of SIMPLE WHOLESALING. They buy and sell 250+ properties per year and build passive income streams by creating 50+ creative financing deals per year. His ministry, Iron Deep, was birthed out of his desire...

Oct 12, 2022

To Doug Erickson, if you want employees and people to respect your leadership, you have to live a life worth following - and this is more than lip service. Doug says Christian leaders aren't called to be business owners; they are called to be stewards. But what does stewardship look like in practical application? Doug...

Oct 5, 2022

In moments of crisis, should Christian leaders take the easy path to revenue or trust God and lean on biblical values?  Today, on True North Leader, guest George Green IV discusses establishing excellence and integrity across his Christian non-profit, from big decisions to culture. George is a licensed professional...