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True North Leader with Bobby Albert

Mar 16, 2022

Leaders know they need a mentor that has been where they want to go. So what does this look like for Christian leaders in the marketplace, ministry, or education? There are no divisions between sacred and secular parts of life. So, can you get everything you need as a Christian leader from a regular mentor? In this episode of True North Leader, host Bobby Albert tells you how to find a mentor who will climb into the trenches with you and help you lead like Jesus. Tune to hear more leading like Jesus by flipping the org chart, understanding your leadership identity, and seeing work as ministry. Christian leaders are called to create workplace cultures that drive results and allow people to soar. Hear how.
About the host: Following a successful career as CEO, Bobby sold his business to a publicly-traded company.  In what he calls his "second half of life", Bobby seeks to pour Biblically-based principles into growth-minded business, church, and non-profit leaders.
Through Values-Driven Leadership, Bobby serves as an Executive Coach and Training Consultant for organizations.  He shares many of his principles and practices through a weekly blog, the True North Leader podcast, and through three books he has authored:
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